Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break here, there, not yet, and t/here!

Spring Break Here...

First Day of Spring Break for Steve

That's my only at-home Spring Breaker giving his "Keep Calm and Sail On" thumbs up to the decidedly un-spring breaky wintry-mix going on behind him in the backyard.  It's pouring down snow here in Illinois on this March Monday - which isn't all that unusual, so say the professional weather people and their historical data - but for non-professional, "what the heck, one week ago it was 70 and sunny here" type of folks, it's notable and noticeable - so I'm noting and noticing the pouring down of the snow on Steve's first day of spring break.  He's all thumbs about it, he's just that kind of guy - mostly a go-with-the-flow, even keel, keep calm and sail on young man.  I don't think he chose that shirt to wear today for its imprinted message. I think he picked it out because he was being practical: the shirt is warm and cozy and the day is blowy and snowy.

Speaking of that shirt, while its message, in my opinion, perfectly captures Steve's take on life, it actually is "spirit wear" from his school - the one he's spring breaking from this week.  S.A.I.L. is the  name of the post high school program he attends - it's his "college."  And on the back of his shirt it says:

Spring Break There...

Oh my goodness, so okay, while on the subject of SAIL and things nautical and spring break, one of my other sons, the one who is a midshipman out east, is just today back in classes after his spring break from the Naval Academy. The details, heck the broad outline even, of his spring break adventures in Florida's Disney World with several of his midshipmen friends, I'll never know.  But then that's the way it should be, must be, when you factor in the spring breakers' ages, their collectively earned trust, and most obviously, that apron-string-severing fact that "they're Uncle Sam's now!" Even with all that, I can't stop being Mom so when I received a text, albeit a very brief one, from my midshipman son late last night saying he was back on the Yard in Annapolis, I once again was calm and able to sail on, off to sleep.

Spring Break Here, but not yet for you...

For the first time ever my youngest's spring break does not coincide with his big brother Steve's spring break.  Tommy's break is NEXT week and he was not really all about it when at 6:15 this morning I'm rousting him, and only him, out of bed into the get-ready-for-school move-it-move-it-move-it mode.  "But Steeeeve," he lamented.  "Nope," I told him, "Steve has spring break all week, starting today."  That the brothers share a room and Tom has to walk by Steve's bed to get to the bathroom to get ready for school even when Steve gets the whole week off - hmmmm, let me just say that some shenanigans sort of ensued during the walk-by. was all in good, brotherly fun.  Sort of.  Anyway, Sail On!

Spring Break T/here...

The oldest of my six lives just up the road, only about a half hour away, and that I must say is just the best! Over the years as the 4 older kids have left to live their lives, to make their way in the big wonderful world out there, to do what they were meant to do, and what they chose to do - I have stood in awe and sat in quiet heartbreak - I miss them desperately, and I am desperately happy for each of them, and all that desperate sitting and standing and heartbreaking happiness goes on all at once somehow.  I'm pretty sure it's a Middle-Aged Parent sort of phenomenon and since I'm definitely Middle-Aged it's okay for me to have that phenomenon. Anyway, having my oldest just a quick drive up the road is wonderful - he and the others who are on their own have lived far, far away at times.  Other states, other countries.  But for now, my oldest is just in another town.  And he's on spring break this week from the high school in which he teaches special ed and coaches the school's track team.  It was so nice on Saturday when he and his fiancee came over for dinner - just like that, zip zip in the car and up our street and into our kitchen to hang about and set the table, chop some vegetables, boil some noodles, eat, talk, laugh - it's the best!  So with my oldest on spring break and just up the road and my next to youngest on spring break right here in the house, we may, just may, the three of us together have an adventure or two this week.

Spring Break 2015 - Whether you've had your break or it's coming or it's right now or you don't get one anymore - I send you all prayers for staying safe today and always!  Take care and God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Really new here ... Not sure how it all works - blog posting and comments and what connects with what - so this "comment" is just basically a test drive ��
